Monday, 29 October 2012

New work space.

I've recently moved in with my girlfriend to a new flat in London. This means I can set up a better work area than my last place.

So I've bought myself a new desk and lamp with a chair on the way. I also plan on getting some new digital illustration stuff soon. But in the mean time I'm going to go old school with some pencil crayons.

Here are some of my drawings since getting the desk.

Here is Dominic having an onsen bath in a slow cooker.

Here he is playing with his friend Mr Ernest Cuddlesworth.

As it's almost Halloween I drew him dressed as Frankenstein's Monster.

Sorry for the poor quality (drawings?) photos, took them on my ipad. I'm sure I will get around to some non-Dominic drawing soon :P

Also here is a photo of the real Dominic in monster slippers:

Friday, 7 September 2012

Another image inspired by Dominic, my girlfriends family like to say he is a sheep when he is quite clearly a donkey! :P

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

This is an illustration I drew inspired by Dominic the Donkey who is a large and important part of my girlfriends and my life.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

11 Second Club

I've created a new animation, this time I decided to enter a competition where you animate to 11 seconds of audio. Fingers crossed I get at least in the top 50! Competition is fierce!

Copyright Rick Thompson 2012

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Finished Animated Project

The sound has been finished for my animation. Thanks goes to Bob Field for spending his free time doing it for me. See below the finished YouTube video. You can also see it on Newgrounds at: