Friday, 10 January 2014

Life Drawing 9th January 2014

It's been a few weeks since I've been at Life drawing. I feel, despite going back to chopping off the tops of heads etc, that it went quite well. I think my recent course in Anatomy with Scott Eaton has really helped. I also tried out a new grippy pencil that I've bought. I think it may be better for larger drawing though.

2 min poses

2 min poses

2 min poses

2 min poses

20 min pose
I was trying something different his week. Trying to work out shadows and rendering them nicely. I read an article in Imagine FX that was more for charcoal than graphite so I didn't quite get what I wanted.

20 min pose
Not sure I like this one either but it's proven positive with others.

30 - 40 min
My favourite of the night, tried different pencils and experimented more with the shadows. There are areas where I am not sure it worked, for example his hand is to small and there is something weird going on with his leg which might have been caused because I started drawing to big and ran out of space again. 

This was a quick 5 - 10 min drawing of the other model after I'd finished the previous drawing.